Gradual semantics have demonstrated great potential in argumentation, in particular for deploying quantitative bipolar argumentation frameworks (QBAFs) in a number of real-world settings, from judgmental forecasting to explainable AI. In this paper, we provide a novel methodology for obtaining gradual semantics for structured argumentation frameworks, where the building blocks of arguments and relations between them are known, unlike in QBAFs, where arguments are abstract entities. Differently from existing approaches, our methodology accommodates incomplete information about arguments' premises. We demonstrate the potential of our approach by introducing two different instantiations of the methodology, leveraging existing gradual semantics for QBAFs in these more complex frameworks. We also define a set of novel properties for gradual semantics in structured argumentation, discuss their suitability over a set of existing properties. Finally, we provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis assessing the instantiations, demonstrating the their advantages over existing gradual semantics for QBAFs and structured argumentation.
Abstract (translated)