Paper Reading AI Learner

FlatNAS: optimizing Flatness in Neural Architecture Search for Out-of-Distribution Robustness

2024-02-29 12:33:14
Matteo Gambella, Fabrizio Pittorino, Manuel Roveri


Neural Architecture Search (NAS) paves the way for the automatic definition of Neural Network (NN) architectures, attracting increasing research attention and offering solutions in various scenarios. This study introduces a novel NAS solution, called Flat Neural Architecture Search (FlatNAS), which explores the interplay between a novel figure of merit based on robustness to weight perturbations and single NN optimization with Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM). FlatNAS is the first work in the literature to systematically explore flat regions in the loss landscape of NNs in a NAS procedure, while jointly optimizing their performance on in-distribution data, their out-of-distribution (OOD) robustness, and constraining the number of parameters in their architecture. Differently from current studies primarily concentrating on OOD algorithms, FlatNAS successfully evaluates the impact of NN architectures on OOD robustness, a crucial aspect in real-world applications of machine and deep learning. FlatNAS achieves a good trade-off between performance, OOD generalization, and the number of parameters, by using only in-distribution data in the NAS exploration. The OOD robustness of the NAS-designed models is evaluated by focusing on robustness to input data corruptions, using popular benchmark datasets in the literature.

Abstract (translated)

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) 为神经网络 (NN) 架构的自动定义铺平了道路,吸引了越来越多的研究关注,并为各种场景提供了解决方案。本研究介绍了一种新颖的 NAS 解决方案,称为平滑神经架构搜索 (FlatNAS),探讨了基于新颖的基于容错性的指标和基于Sharpness-Aware最小化 (SAM) 的单 NN 优化之间的相互作用。FlatNAS 是文献中第一个系统地探索 NN 损失函数平面上平局的解决方案,同时也在其分布数据上对其性能和离散数据 (OOD) 鲁棒性进行优化,并限制其架构中参数的数量。与当前研究主要集中于 OOD 算法的研究不同,FlatNAS 成功地评估了 NN 架构对 OOD 鲁棒性的影响,这是机器和深度学习在现实世界应用中至关重要的一个方面。通过仅使用分布数据进行 NAS 探索,FlatNAS 实现了性能、OO 泛化性和参数数量之间的良好平衡。 FlatNAS 对 NAS 设计的模型的 OOD 鲁棒性进行了评估,通过关注输入数据污染的鲁棒性,使用了文献中流行的基准数据集。



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