Paper Reading AI Learner

HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach

2024-04-01 12:59:49
Maxim Nikolaev, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Dmitry Vetrov, Aibek Alanov


Our paper addresses the complex task of transferring a hairstyle from a reference image to an input photo for virtual hair try-on. This task is challenging due to the need to adapt to various photo poses, the sensitivity of hairstyles, and the lack of objective metrics. The current state of the art hairstyle transfer methods use an optimization process for different parts of the approach, making them inexcusably slow. At the same time, faster encoder-based models are of very low quality because they either operate in StyleGAN's W+ space or use other low-dimensional image generators. Additionally, both approaches have a problem with hairstyle transfer when the source pose is very different from the target pose, because they either don't consider the pose at all or deal with it inefficiently. In our paper, we present the HairFast model, which uniquely solves these problems and achieves high resolution, near real-time performance, and superior reconstruction compared to optimization problem-based methods. Our solution includes a new architecture operating in the FS latent space of StyleGAN, an enhanced inpainting approach, and improved encoders for better alignment, color transfer, and a new encoder for post-processing. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on realism metrics after random hairstyle transfer and reconstruction when the original hairstyle is transferred. In the most difficult scenario of transferring both shape and color of a hairstyle from different images, our method performs in less than a second on the Nvidia V100. Our code is available at this https URL.

Abstract (translated)

我们的论文解决了将发型从参考图像转移到输入照片进行虚拟试戴的复杂任务。由于需要适应各种照片姿势、发型敏感度和缺乏客观指标,这项任务非常具有挑战性。同时,目前基于优化过程的方法速度极慢,而快速编码的模型质量也非常低,因为它们要么在StyleGAN的W+空间运行,要么使用其他低维图像生成器。此外,两种方法在发型转移时都存在问题,因为它们要么完全忽略姿势,要么处理姿势不高效。在我们的论文中,我们提出了HairFast模型,它独特地解决了这些问题,并实现了高分辨率、接近实时性能和卓越的重建效果,与基于优化问题的方法相比。我们的解决方案包括一个新的在StyleGAN的FS潜在空间中运行的架构、增强的修复方法、改进的编码器以及后处理的新编码器。在随机发型转移和重建时,我们的方法在现实主义指标上证明了其有效性。在将不同图像的发型和颜色从一个图像转移到另一个图像的最困难的情况下,我们的方法在Nvidia V100上执行的时间不到一秒。我们的代码可在此处访问:https:// this URL。



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