Paper Reading AI Learner

Cross-Language Evolution of Divergent Collective Memory Around the Arab Spring

2024-04-16 16:30:27
H. Laurie Jones, Brian C. Keegan


The Arab Spring was a historic set of protests beginning in 2011 that toppled governments and led to major conflicts. Collective memories of events like these can vary significantly across social contexts in response to political, cultural, and linguistic factors. While Wikipedia plays an important role in documenting both historic and current events, little attention has been given to how Wikipedia articles, created in the aftermath of major events, continue to evolve over years or decades. Using the archived content of Arab Spring-related topics across the Arabic and English Wikipedias between 2011 and 2024, we define and evaluate multilingual measures of event salience, deliberation, contextualization, and consolidation of collective memory surrounding the Arab Spring. Our findings about the temporal evolution of the Wikipedia articles' content similarity across languages has implications for theorizing about online collective memory processes and evaluating linguistic models trained on these data.

Abstract (translated)

阿拉伯春天是一个历史性的抗议行动,始于2011年,推翻了政府和导致了重大冲突。集体对这些事件的记忆因政治、文化和语言因素而有所不同。尽管维基百科在记录历史和当前事件中扮演着重要角色,但人们对如何随着重大事件的发生来创建的维基百科文章在多年或几十年后继续演变发展并没有给予足够的关注。通过分析阿拉伯春天相关主题在阿拉伯和英语维基百科的存档内容,我们定义和评估了围绕阿拉伯春天多语言事件显著性、辩论、情境化和集体记忆的巩固。关于维基百科文章在语言之间的内容相似性随时间演变的发现,对研究在线集体记忆过程和评估基于这些数据的 linguistic模型的影响具有影响。



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