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Mathematics of the MML functional quantizer modules for VCV Rack software synthesizer

2024-04-06 21:56:16
Michael G. Maxwell, C. McCarthy, Joshua Pfeffer, Maxwell Schneider, Robert Schneider, Andrew V. Sills


We detail the mathematical formulation of the line of "functional quantizer" modules developed by the Mathematics and Music Lab (MML) at Michigan Technological University, for the VCV Rack software modular synthesizer platform, which allow synthesizer players to tune oscillators to new musical scales based on mathematical functions. For example, we describe the recently-released MML Logarithmic Quantizer (LOG QNT) module that tunes synthesizer oscillators to the non-Pythagorean musical scale introduced by pop band The Apples in Stereo.

Abstract (translated)

我们详细说明了由密歇根州立大学数学和音乐实验室(MML)开发的“功能量化器”模块的数学公式,这是为VCV Rack软件合成器平台而设计的,允许合成器演奏者根据数学函数将振荡器调整到新的音乐旋律。例如,我们描述了最近发布的MML对数量化器(LOG QNT)模块,它将合成器振荡器调整到由流行乐队The Apples在立体声中引入的非Pythagorean音乐旋律。



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