Paper Reading AI Learner

Fuzzy Inference System for Test Case Prioritization in Software Testing

2024-04-25 08:08:54
Aron Karatayev, Anna Ogorodova, Pakizar Shamoi


In the realm of software development, testing is crucial for ensuring software quality and adherence to requirements. However, it can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially when dealing with large and complex software systems. Test case prioritization (TCP) is a vital strategy to enhance testing efficiency by identifying the most critical test cases for early execution. This paper introduces a novel fuzzy logic-based approach to automate TCP, using fuzzy linguistic variables and expert-derived fuzzy rules to establish a link between test case characteristics and their prioritization. Our methodology utilizes two fuzzy variables - failure rate and execution time - alongside two crisp parameters: Prerequisite Test Case and Recently Updated Flag. Our findings demonstrate the proposed system capacity to rank test cases effectively through experimental validation on a real-world software system. The results affirm the practical applicability of our approach in optimizing the TCP and reducing the resource intensity of software testing.

Abstract (translated)

在软件开发的领域,测试是确保软件质量和符合要求的关键。然而,处理大型和复杂软件系统可能需要花费很多时间和资源。测试用例优先级(TCP)是一种提高测试效率的重要策略,通过识别最 critical 的测试用例来增强测试。本文介绍了一种基于模糊逻辑的新方法来自动测试用例优先级,利用模糊语言变量和专家确定的模糊规则建立测试用例特性和优先级之间的联系。我们方法采用两个模糊变量——故障率和执行时间——与两个 crisp 参数:前提测试用例和最近更新标志。我们的研究结果表明,所提出的系统通过实验验证在真实世界软件系统上有效排名测试用例。结果证实了我们在优化测试用例和降低软件测试资源强度方面的方法的实际应用。



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